UNITE builds ties with international business associations
The European Asphalt Pavement Association has published a call from UNITE for collaboration in the latest issue of its magazine.
EAPA was founded in 1973 as a union of several European asphalt paving associations. It currently comprises 17 such associations. The mission of EAPA is to ensure that the use of asphalt as the optimal choice for the construction and maintenance of Europe’s vital road infrastructure is fully appreciated, promoted and implemented.
UNITE’s introductory material provides basic information about the association. Among the current tasks we have identified: advocating for the importance of road infrastructure, implementing international approaches and standards in road construction and cost estimation, removing the regulatory burden on the industry, and adapting legislation to wartime conditions and recovery needs.
We hope that cooperation with the EAPA and other European professional associations will enable us to establish an exchange of best practices and become part of the voice of the infrastructure industry in Europe. In April, as a result of this cooperation, UNITE already translated and published the “Recommendations for Road Authorities to achieve circular economy goals through the maintenance, re-use and recycling of asphalt”